Kevin Ledoux
About Kevin
Kevin has been in Law Enforcement for 23 years and is currently a patrol sergeant with an agency in southern Maine. Kevin is the lead instructor for the firearms / use of force program for his agency and is also a certified Field Training Officer, ASP instructor, ALICE instructor and RAD instructor. He has been a member of his department’s Honor Guard for more than a dozen years.
Kevin is currently, or has previously been certified as an MCJA instructor in the following areas: firearms, urban rifle, less lethal munitions, baton, handcuffing, Stinger spike mat and OC.
Previous assignments include being a member of the county-wide tactical team and a certified Drug Recognition Expert for more than 6 years. As a member of the tactical team, Kevin was assigned to the entry team and also completed duties as a lead firearms instructor. Kevin holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Roger Williams University and an Associate of Science degree from the Community College of Rhode Island, both are in the criminal justice field.
For 10 years Kevin was a small business owner that provided firearms training to law enforcement and legally armed citizens in all firearms disciplines. During that time, he trained over 1000 students to include police officers and legally armed citizens from a variety of backgrounds. In his off time, Kevin enjoys spending time with his family and shooting competitively in USPSA.