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In partnership with RJ Goan & Associates we offer On-Site Security Risk Assessments led by a team of experienced professionals who are trained in public safety and have over six decades of experience protecting and serving their community.

During the assessment, our team will meet with key personnel from each level and department of your organization to discuss specific threat and vulnerability concerns. We will conduct an internal and external security and safety assessment, as well as evaluate the climate of the facility to identify key factors that may impact your company’s mission, staff safety, asset protection, and overall campus security.

The assessment includes comprehensive evaluations of a range of areas, including emergency plans and policies, lockdown, evacuation, and reunification plans, the relationship with first responders, areas of threat and vulnerability, security of all buildings and grounds, staff readiness, training and preparedness, active threat response, media relations, and incident command roles. We also offer de-escalation techniques and crisis exercises and drills to help businesses and organizations prepare for and respond to potential emergencies.


R J Goan and Associates will provide you with a comprehensive facility assessment, focusing on security and liability, risk management, and the deployment of security related solutions to address the needs of your individual facility or campus. All too often technology has been identified as the foundation for approach to developing a solution to our security related concerns within our schools and universities. R J Goan and Associates believes that although technology can play a role in creating a safer school environment, the development of a comprehensive layered approach to risk mitigation; combined with training, education and task specific policy and procedural guidelines is the true foundation for building a comprehensive school security plan. R J Goan and Associates understands the importance of solid communications, preparedness and the development of relationships with community resources and first responders. Our consultants work with each of our clients to develop these relationships and educate your staff and student population with one goal in mind. The goal to create a safe and secure campus for your academic needs.

In 2018 the Federal Bureau of Investigations released a report titled Active Shooter Incidents in the United States in 2018. Historically, incidents involving an active assailant have not only occurred predominantly in areas of commerce, in 2018 incidents occurring in businesses either open or closed to the public increased, accounting for 60% of the total active assailant incidents nationwide. 56% of the total incidents related to commerce, occurred in businesses which were open to the public, while 44% of the incidents occurred at facilities which did not allow general public access.

Workplace violence is not something that occurs in a vacuum. Active assailant incidents occurring in the business environment are the product of three factors: An individual must choose to engage in the violent behavior, a stimulus or trigger must be present which leads the individual to see violence as the answer, and a setting must be provided which allows for the violent behavior to be facilitated. Though we may study the motive or stimulus of the offender and proactively share security related concerns through initiatives such as the Department of Homeland Security’s Nationwide Suspicious Activity Reporting Initiative (NSI), there is no immediate answer to this national crisis we are facing. The best thing we can do is arm ourselves with knowledge, better prepare ourselves for when it occurs, and remove the setting for which the violent behavior may occur.

R J Goan and Associates will provide your business with the tools and resources necessary to create a safe working environment for your management team, employees, those visiting your facility and the general consumer. With a comprehensive facility assessment, our consultants will focus on security and liability, risk management, and the deployment of security related solutions to address the individual needs for each of your facilities. In addition to identifying technology related solutions, we will focus on the development of a comprehensive layered approach to risk mitigation; combined with training, education and task specific policy and procedural guidelines to develop a solid foundation for constructing a comprehensive security plan.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration suggests that violence is significantly more common in healthcare than any other industry.  The collection of statistical data suggests that healthcare employees account for almost as many injuries resulting from workplace violence as those sustained by workers in all other industries combined. 

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) published an analysis in 2018 to suggest that healthcare workers experienced injuries from workplace violence that required time off at a rate of five times that of all workers in the private sector.  

With concerns facing the industry such as work-related stress, added responsibilities, the violent behaviors and substance related concerns of patients and visitors, and the presence of domestic violence and family matters plaguing the workforce, the healthcare industry is considered at risk with concerns of violence.  

Workplace violence is not something that occurs in a vacuum.  Incidents of violence occurring in the healthcare profession, are often the product of three factors:  An individual must choose to engage in the violent behavior, a stimulus or trigger must be present which leads the individual to see violence as the answer, and a setting must be provided which allows for the violent behavior to be facilitated. Though we may study the motive or stimulus of the offender and proactively share security related concerns through initiatives such as the Department of Homeland Security’s Nationwide Suspicious Activity Reporting Initiative (NSI), there is no immediate answer as to why violence is occurring in our healthcare facilities.  The best thing we can do is arm ourselves with knowledge, better prepare ourselves for when it occurs, and remove the setting for which the violent behavior may occur.  

R J Goan and Associates will provide your healthcare employees with the tools and resources necessary to create a secure working environment. With a comprehensive facility assessment, our consultants will focus on security and liability, risk management, and the deployment of security related solutions to address the individual needs of your healthcare facility.   In addition to identifying technology related solutions, we will focus on the development of a comprehensive layered approach to risk mitigation; combined with training, education and task specific policy and procedural guidelines to develop a solid foundation for constructing a comprehensive security plan.  

With Faith Based Organizations (FBO) the adequacy of physical security is resource dependent. Some organizations and congregations that have experienced prior threats or attacks can afford to harden their potentially targeted facilities by installing such features as bullet-proof glass, lock down capability, and surveillance cameras, by hiring security guards, and by forming and training internal security teams. The more sophisticated faith-based organizations are also better equipped to take advantage of Federal grants from entities such as the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Smaller, less organized communities may be just as threatened, but may lack the necessary resources to provide adequate protection absent from local law enforcement or emergency management agencies. R J Goan and Associates can assist within each of these areas of focus, to include funding, product selection, policy development and training.  

Leaders of many Faith Based Organizations faced with security related concerns, often find themselves asking two basic questions when planning to implement security measures: What do we need and who can we trust to assist us with our security needs. 

R J Goan and Associates will provide you with a comprehensive facility assessment, focusing on security and liability, risk management, and the deployment of security related solutions to address the needs of your congregation.   Our consultants will look at not only technology solutions to address the concerns of your facility, we will focus directly on the development of a comprehensive layered approach to risk mitigation; combined with training, education and task specific policy and procedural guidelines to develop a solid foundation for constructing a comprehensive security plan.  

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